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"Of the Month" Award Nomination

What is an "Of the Month" award?

OTM (“Of the Month”) awards are presented monthly to residents and Student Housing & Hospitality Services (SHHS) Staff members who have made a positive impact on the housing community during a given month. The winners are nominated by students living in residence. OTMs extend beyond campus! All winning UBC nominations are submitted to the PACURH region (institutions in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii) for regional voting. Winning nominations from each of the 8 Regions are submitted to NACURH, for worldwide recognition! There are two types of OTMs that are currently awarded to residents - General OTMs, which are designed to recognize individuals or groups in residence who have made significant contributions to the residence community, and Program OTMs, which are designed to showcase successful programs that have been implemented in residence communities and demonstrate how they can be successfully adapted in other residences throughout NACURH. 


How can I submit an OTM? 

This page displays the Qualtrics submission form for the relevant nomination period. By submitting a form, you are nominating either yourself or someone else to receive an award.

OTM Nominations are currently not open. 

How are winners selected? 

Each month, the NRHH Chapter goes through all nominations and holds a vote to determine winners. Winners typically receive pins and/or certificates to recognize their positive contribution to Student Residence 

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